Chaos Theory
According to classical Greek myth, only Chaos existed in the beginning.
Chaos theory refers to the behavior of certain systems of motion, such as the atmosphere, the solar system, plate tectonics, ocean currents, economies or population growth, to be especially sensitive to tiny changes in starting conditions that result in drastically different outcomes. The biggest weather computer in the world, in the European centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasting, does as many as 400 million calculations every second. It is fed 100 million separate weather measurements from around the world every day, and it processes data in three hours of continuous running, to produce a ten day forecast. Yet beyond two or three days the forecasts are speculative, and beyond six or seven they are worthless. Chaos theory, then, sets definite limits to the predictability of complex non-linear systems.
Unlike what it implies colloquially, chaos theory doesn’t mean the world is metaphorically chaotic, nor does it refer to entropy, by which systems naturally tend toward disorder. Chaos theory relies on the uncertainty inherent in measurements, the precision of predictions, and the non-linear behavior of seemingly linear systems.
Chaos theory came on the scientific scene in the late 1970s. It was introduced by a self-motivated group of Santa Cruz scientists. As students they had to fight their faculty to pursue their fascination with this unorthodox subject. After its initial presentation, chaos became a buzzword in many disciplines, as scientists thought of ways it applied in their fields. Even more interesting, scientists began crossing over fields, developing multidisciplinary approaches.
Chaos is not entirely random, but is an occult, “hidden,” or implicate order within nature. Cosmology, weather prediction, animal migration patterns, quantum mechanics, and more were affected. We now have terms like “quantum chaos,” and chaotic planetary motion. Chaos is a major influence from the microcosm to the macrocosm.
Creation came out of chaos, is surrounded by chaos and will end in chaos.
Maarten Vanden Eynde
Genetologic Research Nr. 10, 2004 (back: 100cm x 100cm x 150cm – front: 40cm 70cm)
The work consists of found materials (wood-, plastic-, metal), gathered together during one month from the streets of Naples, Italy. Al the scrap is pressed into an oval hole of a 40 cm thick wall. The front side shows a flat, orderly ‘abstract’ image. The back is exploding of energy, being sucked in or puked out. The tension was so high that the wall started to crack. The seemingly quiet, almost sacral image of the front side (which is faced towards the inside space) originates from but is contradictory to the chaotic and violent back side (which is faced to the outside streets of the turbulent city life of Naples).